Monday, December 16, 2013

Taking A Closer Look At Kinetic Wind Sculptures

Nothing is more mesmerizing than watching kinetic wind sculptures in action. The kinds of art today are amazing and can move the human psyche to vast, deep places. Abstract artists like Jim La Paso out of Texas create beautifully designed sculptures that become alive in the wind. Learn more about the impact many sculpture artists have had in the modern art community.

Hypnotizing Art

Kinetic sculptures moved by the wind have become a popular art form. In fact, you may see these sculptures in the yards of homeowners or on the lawns of businesses. The feeling you get when this kind of sculpture moves is hypnotic. Indeed, the feeling enacted by these art forms is different than the one you get when walking into an art gallery.

Living Sculptures

Wind art is a unique form of abstract art that is unique to each artist. For this reason, you may find some pieces more likeable than others and many of them are simply astounding. The Austin artist Paul Voss is an example of how metal and art can come together to form living sculpture. However, the details and work that goes into making wind sculptures is amazing and intricate.

Great Imagination

The imagination fueling artists making unique art is strong and the dedication to making a sculpture the wind moves without breaking is amazing. Some artists take months to piece together metal shapes to create a moveable face or a circular design with rings inside of rings that move independently of one another in even the slightest breeze. Some artist take a lot of time testing their finished pieces to make sure high winds will not destroy them or change the effects they want the piece to make on its viewers.

How Sculptures Can Move

An important aspect to consider about wind sculptures is engineering and how engineering fits into artistic design. Some moving sculptures do so with electricity as well as wind. Others move when a certain part is manually moved, like the silver balls that run through intricate tracks made of stainless steel. Indeed, watching these balls roll in synchronization is amazing and mind blowing to say the least. Some kinetic sculptures have been designed using colored water running through rubber tubing, creating a fantastic display of fluid motion. One aspect to consider is the wonderment of what will be created next in the world of moving art forms.

The Art Of Metal Fabrication

Metal fabrication plays a huge role in the making of wind art. Many artists have experience in areas of metal fabrication that led them to making wind sculptures. In some sculptures, each piece is cut and designed individually, each being fashioned to provide a part of the movement when in motion. You could say the artists are geniuses in design and fabrication.

You can find wind sculptures for sale all over the internet. In fact, the modern artist today using the online platform allows everyone a way to visit galleries for learning more about the passion and unique dedication that goes into this type of sculpting. Collectors can certainly benefit from visiting online galleries, allowing them a global selection. Thanks for stopping by to read. More coming up soon!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kinetic Wind Sculptures are Unique Abstractions Even in the Art World

Today almost all abstract artists are on the hunt for new and unusual methods that they can use to bring their visions to life. With an abstract concept it is possible to communicate relationships and the deeper meanings that lie beneath the surface of wood, clay, paints and canvas. As the field of abstract study has broadened so has the popularity for these types of stylized works. Is there any wonder why an Austin artist will become immersed in the search for an art form that can connect with viewers on multiple levels?

kinetic wind sculptures lapaso

Even a novice modern artist has numerous mediums with which to experiment. In addition to the different types of materials that can be chosen, there are different styles and concepts of art theory that can be studied, combined and tweaked. The opportunities to make new advancements in art, and sometimes the journey itself can lead to remarkably avant-garde styles that are as individual as the artists who have created them.
austin artist lapaso

For many people art is merely a collection of stone statues or a gallery of paintings in gilded frames. The art is static and unchanged over hundreds of years. They long to be "moved" by the sight of beautiful art work but who would have imagined that it is a form of "moving art work" that has begun to win legions of new art fans. Kinetic wind sculptures have become some of the more exciting experiences for today's art lover. This is truly an example of "art in motion" and this time the motion shows no sign of becoming stagnant in the near future.
abstract art lapaso

Contemporary sculptures are always popular among art enthusiasts but today many people want to find unique art that makes a real statement about culture or the environment. Kinetic wind sculptures offer bold choices for those who are interested in innovative shapes and intrinsic motion. The Wind art movement is finding its way in the world and these hand-crafted pieces are iconic reflections of ideas, emotions and a sense of universal freedom.
modern artist

You can find numerous sculptures for sale from smaller models that range 3-5 feet in height to towering models that exceed heights of 20 feet. With this type of abstract sculpture artists can create groupings or singular examples of kinetic art that will leave viewers breathless.

wind art lapaso

Even if your artistic knowledge is limited you will be mesmerized by the beauty and dynamic motions that define wind sculptures. This is art that is not bound by traditional rules of form and function. You can find fabricated models that are created from titanium, stainless steel and copper. With a ground mount, concrete base and vertical rod installation the pieces can be securely placed in any location. As each breath of wind blows against the sculpture the lines will shift and the form will change. The responsive nature of kinetic art means that there will be a consistent evolution of the sculpture throughout the hours of each day. These monumental sculptures are individual homages to the natural rhythms of life. Allow these abstract designs to stimulate your thought, infuse your imagination and bring the beauty of art into your world.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Abstract, And Other Types of Artists In Austin

From ancient history, to particular cultural practices and present emotions, art communicates powerful messages. Abstract art is the work of an artist based only on what they see including the color, processes, scale, shapes, brush strokes and size. For example, an artist can use a circle to represent the sun in a painting or sculpture. Abstract artists do not imitate the world in their paintings or sculptures; they simply interpret things as they are.The pioneers of abstract art such as Kandinsky and Delaunay experimented with color, shapes and symbols, but modern artists have devised new ways to make artworks that define some new understanding to life and nature.

I consider art as a gift because it takes a lot of creativity, passion and dedication to venture into this field. Sculpture artists like Nichelle Notabartolo, Richard Mansfield, Marla Ripperda, Cat Quintanilla, and Kristy Richard among others carve out materials like stone, clay, metal, ceramics and wood; into some marvelous artifact. I find their works amazingly beautiful, but I cannot imagine myself sitting down for tens of hours designing one, or even watching one being carved out from stone or metal to completion.

A modern artist has to spend a good amount of his or her time promoting their artistic talent. Even though new marketing strategies like the website, television and print media has made it much easier; I personally find it too involving. I would rather spend that time on the beach or go camping with my friends.

Austin is a city full of artistic talent and you can get the works of almost any Austin artist from the Austin art garage. The garage has different creative and innovative art collections from different artists. Other than art galleries, sculptures for sale can also be found from online stores like Amazon, eBay, the sculpture park, artnet auction houses, sculpture collector and many other art stores. These stores have art collections from thousands of artists across the globe.

I get my inspiration from the beauty of wind art; it makes me see life from a completely different perspective. The unique art found in many kinetic wind sculptures is more stunning than the thousands of standard paintings I see every day. My favorite artists are Jim Lapaso and Anthony Howe. The delicate elements of horror in some of Howe’s sculptures are somehow scary but very fascinating. It is exciting to see some of his wind sculptures exploring the diversity of the world’s most obscure animal species like sea slugs, insects like wasps, sea urchins and many others.

I have keenly been stocking most of Labaso works; from wood to copper and finally stainless steel sculptures are simply demonstrative of his creative imagination. I never stop wondering how one can take a heavy and unyielding metal like steel and carve it into a sculpture that can move at the slightest breeze of wind. Unlike the static works created by many artists, kinetic wind sculptures are designed to move with nature and give a fascinating view of life.

Museums and art galleries around the world are full of collections of sculptures and artifacts from leading artists. Sculptures for sale can be found from an art gallery because museums basically stock them for historical and research purposes. A beautiful sculpture renews excitement in a rather too familiar environment. If you have one in the outside field of your home, you will be fascinated to look at it every day or, touching it just to find out what the artist was imagining creating it.

My Unique Art Adventure

Ever since I was a child, I've always had a special relationship with art. As I got older, that relationship became more personal and I began to create art myself and to seek out new artists as well. I was determined to be, or to meet the new modern artist, the new voice of an artistic generation. It was not until my fiance booked us a trip to Austin Texas did I truly understand unique art. However, the trip wasn't for art, it was to visit family, so finding would be somewhat of a task.

The first few days spent in Austin were the usual family gathering days anyone has, you meet with family, mingle, they show you landmarks and so forth. It wasn't until day five was I able to slip away from the family and their hilarious farming jokes to go find my own Austin memory. I did indeed find it as well. After enough searching I found an amazing artist, who shall stay anonymous, who created wonderful wind sculptures and kinetic wind sculptures. Before this true modern artist, I had never seen anything like it, and was used to the same old odd sculptures to sale which can usually be seen in the windows of hip coffee shops. This person had raw talent, which seemed to go hand in hand with his energetic style and outlook on life. I spent many days with this person at his studio, he would tell me all the detail that went into each sculpture and how much he believed they were worth. He was my own personal Austin artist, and we got along great. In fact, after a few days I introduced him to my fiance, and even they got along well too.

Wind art is something you normally don't come across, though I wish you would. It's a fantastic, unique, breathtaking art that many more should know of. The way this guy made his paintings, you'd swear he belonged in a museum. He was nothing like the average abstract artists who I'd meet from time to time, he was a true individual with true talent. I almost wish I could have boxed him up and shipped him home to me! However, I knew in just a few days time, my new friend and artist would have to become a long distance friend and artist.

There are many things I learned from watching him work, and many things I've learned about sculpture artists in general. Many people stick their noses up to the sculpture world, possibly because most mainstream sculptures are so bland and boring. This was not the case in Austin though, each sculpture was it's own living entity, ready to be sucked into one's mind to live. I've never seen such talent as I've seen in Austin, and I highly doubt I ever will again. Even the kinetic wind sculptures were awe inspiring and beautiful. It takes a lot of talent to create a decent looking wind sculpture, let alone an amazing looking one. If you're ever in Austin, do yourself a favor and check out it's art scene, it just may change your life.